In early April, Deputy Director Bryan Flint, Sr. continued to recognize the growing need for food assistance in our community, based on the reduction in food stamps funds per family and the growing increase in cost for good, healthy food. Having the foresight we all remember him for, he pursued, with the help of the Vernon Housing Authority, to set up a weekly food delivery program for a certain identified site where the population served would be older, food insecure, and in need of help with bringing food into their homes.
On Friday, April 28th , with a team of 7 helpful workers, a few tables were set up with many food items and fresh fruit and protein. 31 people shopped and received cereal, chicken, condiments, toilet paper, canned goods, shelf stable milk, ground meat, and much more.

Since that first week, we have continued this pilot program, a “choice” shopping experience, to that same site and the numbers continue to grow with each shop. We went from delivering through the food pantry on Saturdays to 11 people, now to 54 who are able to receive more food and be assisted to their doors with the continued help of volunteers and people who recognize the need as Bryan did.

Bryan's last text to me was about how well this program was working and how satisfied he was with the response. He felt we were doing God' work –IHS as he always said, and I believe he was right.

We are planning a meeting with the Vernon Housing Authority at the end of this month to address the ability to possibly increase this program to additional sites. This was Bryan's hope and, with the help of God and His Mercy, volunteers and continued food donations, we will continue to pursue this project with Bryan's love and kindness always in mind.

Pat Kupec
Community Kitchen Administrator