Our wonderful community continues to inspire us with acts of kindness.
A young lady came into our Clothing Bank with overflowing bags of brand new
blankets to be given out. She told me for her 16th birthday party, she choose to forgo
personal gifts and requested her guests bring a new blanket to be donated to those in
She said,” I didn’t need anything, so I thought I would ask for something to donate to
help others, and blankets came to mind.” At just 16, she demonstrated a remarkable
understanding of the needs of others and a genuine desire to help. She chose to donate
the collection of beautiful warm fluffy blankets to the Cornerstone’s Clothing Bank.
She truly warmed our hearts.
Then there is Letesha. She doesn’t just work at Kimberly Hall North, a nursing home,
she also creates moments of joy with the residents. They worked side by side putting
together decorative goodie bags filled with cookies and lollipops attached to water
bottles with colorful ribbons to give out in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Letesha
asked that they be passed out to volunteers and clients alike. I did so at the Clothing
Bank and to clients in the Food Cupboard line. The smiles were abundant and
showed appreciation of the thoughtfulness handed to them.
Letesha said,” I just wanted to give back to the community, that’s why I chose Martin Luther King Day.” Letesha also volunteers at the Friendship Center in New Britain. She let me in on a family heart-warming story. She shared, ”while serving food there, I happened to look over at a table and saw a familiar face.” It was her long-lost grandmother who had been missing for quite a while. “Nobody knew where she was,” she said. The family was then happily
reunited. This story reminds us that acts of kindness big or small can have a ripple
Let's all be inspired by the kindness of these two wonderful people and find ways to
spread kindness and make a difference in our community.
Christine Filanowicz
Clothing Bank Director