Brownie troop #10941, run by Mellissa Kranz Reed and Daisy troop #10968, run by Nicole Chomick partnered together to earn their badge for “Caring and Compassion”. For the Daisy troop it is called earning a petal. These girls range in age from Kindergarten through Second Grade. After researching ideas they decided to make up Valentine's surprise care boxes to give to girls that are less fortunate.
The leaders explained to the girls that not all children have what they have. Some parents don’t have extra money after paying for the essentials, such as food and rent.
The troops collected a variety of donated items and boxes from family and friends. The scouts made up 35 special Valentine's boxes. The boxes included items such as; hair accessories, lip gloss, nail polish, note pads and valentine pencils, valentine candy, stickers, tooth brushes, winter gloves, etc. There were about 10-15 items in each box. The boxes were wrapped in Valentine's colored paper. The girls had a great time decorating them with a variety of Valentine's stickers, including jewel stickers for that extra sparkle.

The Scouts donated the decorated boxes to Cornerstone’s Clothing Bank, Etc. to be given out to our client’s children. This was a nice surprise for our client’s to be able to give their girls a little gift on Valentine’s Day.

Christine Filanowicz
Clothing Bank, Etc. Director