Well, we have definitely started the hazy days of summer. Personally, I am not a hot weather
fan, so I am glad that many years ago Mr. Carrier invented the air conditioner!

Here at Cornerstone, everyone is busy doing what needs to be done to ensure everyone
who comes to us gets the help they need. We are very fortunate that our partnerships with
CTFoodshare, Midwest Food Bank, area grocery stores, local churches, and individuals fill our food bank with healthy fresh food for distribution. Our community Kitchen also benefits from those partnerships and can provide meals 365 days a year.
I am constantly amazed by the level of generosity that is shown to all the missions here
at Cornerstone. When we get a new mother at the shelter who needs baby supplies, our
Amazon wish list is filled. At Christmas, every family in the shelter gets gifts from Santa through the same method. Volunteers help us with everyday tasks we need completed beyond the Cupboard, Clothing Bank and Kitchen. Plumbing, painting, repairs, yard work, all kinds of specialized labor that would add to the cost of operations is donated by these caring people in the community.
You may have received an email or will get a letter from me asking for monetary assistance to
fund the operations of our missions. We must raise $80,000 a month to keep the doors open
here. While we do apply for grants, foundation funds, and get a small amount of assistance from area towns, 60-70% of our funding comes from individual donors. We are so very grateful for the support we receive from our community. If you have not donated recently, would you please consider doing so and ensuring we can continue to help local people in their hour of need?
Keep cool and enjoy the summer! I hope you get to spend time with friends and loved ones.
Peace and joy,

Sharon Redfern
Executive Director